Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vendor Faire at Genentech!!!

On Wednesday, Mom came to participate in her third year at the Vendor Faire and made over $200!!!
She is finally down to less than 1 box of scarves. She had over 100 to sell this year and she didn't even knit any new ones. She offered a special of BUY 4 and get 1 FREE and people were taking advantage of it.

My survival kits and Snowman poop were not as successful.

I made little packets that had:

A Survival Kit
A rubber band to remind you to be flexible,
and help you snap back when you're stretched thin.
A Hug and a Kiss to let you know that you are loved.
A paper clip to hold yourself together on rainy days.
A puzzle piece to remind you
that you are an important part of a larger picture.
A lifesaver for the times you think you are drowning.
A coin to remind you of your value
A Snicker for when you need a good laugh.

and another one with marshmallows with this topper:
I heard you've been naughty, so here's the scoop…
All you get is…

Oh, and FYI, I will be dog sitting again over the holidays when my friend's Rachael, Lesli and their daughter Alex will go to Oklahoma from December 20-27 then again from Jan 17-25th. It'll be a little easier with only one dog, Baby. They had to put the other dog, Kansi, down in October when her bladder cancer got worse.

And mom did not pass her driver's test today, she got a 6 month temporary license and 3 more chances to try again. We'll have to study with her.

That's it for now.

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